Conversion Widgets

Conversion Widgets


Enables customers to call a business in one click from a mobile device.


Integrated with Google Maps, provides step-by-step directions to a brick-and-mortar location.


For businesses across a region, provide a map for site visitors detailing each store location.

Online Scheduling

Available through vCita, enables customers to schedule appointments on desktop, tablet and mobile.


Put coupons into the hands of customers. Control the amount of the discount, duration of coupon, etc.

Restaurant Menu

The content from a menu of an existing restaurant website will be automatically imported when using this widget.

Business Hours

A crucial part of any website, this widget can be filled out manually or automatically imported from a website.

Contact Form

Drag and drop a Contact Form into a site to give customers an alternative way of reaching out.

Custom HTML

Add your own HTML / CSS / JavaScript to the page directly. Great for third-party integrations or adding custom code.


Provide visitors with the ability to directly email the small business that owns the website.


Create a list of anything from products to staff members using this widget.

Yelp Reviews

Displays your best reviews directly on a site to build a business’ credibility with potential customers.

OpenTable Reservation

OpenTable users can reserve a table in just a few clicks via the the Reserve a Table widget.


Make it simple for customers to make a payment by adding an easy-to-use PayPal widget.
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